
Who is Lyle Piecha?

Lyle Piecha

Lyle Piecha
BirthdayFriday, December 25, 1959
Member SinceThursday, April 29, 2010
Last ActivityThursday, May 6, 2010
LocationChicago, Illinois, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I am into health and fitness and represent products from Xyngular

My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
Comments (5)
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Amanda Bird - (5/23/2010 12:41:49 PM) : Hi Lyle. Thankyou for you friends request on Adlandpro which I accept. Drop by my profile and say hi. Check out my about me, photos and webpages. Let me know if I may be of assistance. Your Friend In Success Amanda "One Can Not Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar"
Jack Sunshine - (5/14/2010 1:56:44 AM) : BEAT THE RECESSION--By earning More Money Part Time from Home--Earn up to 5 checks Every Month Call toll free 1-800-617-5340 (4 MESSAGES) Watch the videos and read everything At then if you like what you read And want to join me my costumer # 3292
Richard Gabriel - (5/1/2010 2:18:23 AM) : Thank you for accepting my invitation to be friends. I wish you all the Best! - Rich
Jack Sunshine - (5/1/2010 1:56:03 AM) : Make Some Money for Mothers Day! Become a Distributor.. Want to earn some extra money! You may want to consider becoming a Sunshine Master Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to family, friends, neighbors and business associates. It's easy and it's fun to earn extra money as a Sunshine Master Distributor. CALL: 1-800-7674469
James Mckenzie - (5/1/2010 1:34:52 AM) : Hi Lyle, Welcome to the community where many friendships are made here at AdlandPro. James


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