
Who is Patrick Dixon?

Patrick Dixon

Patrick Dixon
Member SinceTuesday, April 12, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, March 20, 2009
LocationPasadena, California, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests (3)
Interests: E-Business, Music
Industries: Music
Comments (2)
Friends (97)
Photos (0)
Groups (0)
Events (0)
Forums (14)
Ads (0)


Crystal Pennington - (7/22/2005 4:21:33 AM) : Hi Patrick,
How are you? Pay no attention to this Jim guy, your site rocks!!! I mean it man, you rule!! How much could this guy know, he can't even spell, "didn't"! You have some great forums, too. I hope everyone checks them out. Good luck, friend.

So how many push ups is that now, like 3,000? lol sorry, that was stupid...

Patrick Dixon - (7/22/2005 4:21:33 AM) : Thank you Crystal :) Always a pleasure to
hear from you.

Whenever I don't feel like working out, I just refresh my profile page a few times and I'm good to go.

Take Care,


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