
Who is Melissa Ryder?

Melissa Ryder

Melissa Ryder
BirthdayWednesday, February 25, 1976
Member SinceThursday, November 4, 2004
Last ActivityMonday, October 1, 2018
LocationWilliamsport, Pennsylvania, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
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Robert Montgomery - (7/16/2007 9:05:49 AM) : Melissa:

Having healthy pets are what make us healthy in return.....

Great information and the intense love of the PET.....nice job....
Alfred Delgado - (3/11/2005 9:21:46 PM) : melissa nice profile and lovelly smile
Kenneth R Sword Jr - (3/11/2005 10:50:49 AM) : Looking at what you and your business are about you deserve a 10. Keep up with your hard work and surely you will be on top in no time.

Your AdlandPro friend

Kenneth R Sword Jr
Melissa Ryder - (3/11/2005 10:50:49 AM) : Hi Kenneth, Thank you sooo much for the great rating that you gave to me!! I really appreciate it!! It can be exausting and frustrating trying to get this business off the ground, but believe me I am not giving up!! It gets hard at times with having 2 young boys and my husband being deployed. In the end, it will only make me a stronger woman!! Again thank you!! Melissa
Tony Beach - (2/23/2005 7:25:33 AM) : Awesome powerful opportunity...see you in Minneapolis in August!
Tony Beach
Melissa Ryder - (2/23/2005 7:25:33 AM) : Hey Tony, Thanks for the vote!! Melalueca is awesome!! Not to sound stupid but what's going on in Minneapolis in Aug. I will have to see if I can go depending on the event- I have two young boys- on will be 3 in May and my other will be 1 in May. Plus my husband was deployed a month ago and will be gone 18 months. By the way Fri is my 29th b-day!! Hey how do I get a pic on my page- I tried uploading different pics, but I guess they were too big or something! Hey thanx again!! Talk to you soon!!


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