
Who is Kia Hartley?

Kia Hartley

Kia Hartley
Member SinceTuesday, May 29, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, February 25, 2008
LocationPlainfield, Illinois, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am a very kind hearted person and very thoughtful of others. I am very athletic and strongly believe in health and fitness. Without health there is no strength to work and you need that more than anything else to be able to live a comfortable life. I work out for 30-mins to an hour everyday with a well balaced diet.I do the latest Taebo workout which is calld "Taebo Amped." I have been doing it for a couple of years now and I have his whole DVD collection.I love it so much! I am very family orientated, I love to spend time with my family and have alot of fun. Besides my family I have a few talents; I am a singer, songwriter, and producer. I am also an upcoming actress and I have done plenty of performances in New York City, not only for my acting but for my singing as well. I plan to become a SUPERSTAR someday! Even though I have my dreams and goals I believe in having the right mindset. Your mindset is more important than the tactical or mechanical things. The most important things are to get clarity on your mindset and to realize that ideas are what make money. Products and services don't make money. With the right ideas everything else falls into place.If you've got a big enough idea that makes sense and excites you, you can figure out a way to communicate that idea to other people. That's Business!
My Interests
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John Owens - (11/15/2009 10:53:45 PM) : hi kia i sent you a friend invite, just to let you know, your smart,sweet,beautiful and very talent will succeed for a long time. thanks, warm regards, john owens, p.s. my website business link is pass the word.
Walter Thomas Jr - (11/2/2007 10:22:09 AM) : Welcome KIA to our AdlandPro Community. We are glad to have you here; And We expect more from you as our Business grow.

As far as ratings;
how can I give you a 10,
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Kenneth Young - (8/11/2007 6:50:25 PM) : Again I say you are very good looking
roger Ketcham - (8/2/2007 10:32:40 AM) : nice!! pic
Everald Flowers - (7/17/2007 3:35:12 PM) : Kia has skillzzzz!!!
Joelees Wholesale - (7/6/2007 1:47:10 PM) : Hi Kia,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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