
Who is Gordon Goreham?

Gordon Goreham

Gordon Goreham
BirthdayThursday, December 25, 1952
Member SinceSunday, March 19, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, August 1, 2013
LocationWoods Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me
I'm a retired professional fisherman from Nova Scotia, Canada. I'm 54 years of age now and have lived in Nova Scotia and made my living from the Sea all of my life. Being from this background I have known about the benefits of fish and fish oils in the diet of humans and animals alike. Therefore myself and my dogs have always gotten a healthy helping of fresh fish in our diets!
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Johnny Sawchuk - (1/13/2007 2:02:24 PM) : Hi Gordon,

Perhaps you should join as a Merchant Affiliate and expose your company for Free!

Please take a look:

Delmer Erickson - (1/6/2007 6:57:38 PM) : enjoy
Lori Gaudette - (3/19/2006 7:13:57 PM) : Hi Gordon,
Welcome to adlandpro : )
You did well figuring out how to put your picture up. It took me a few days to do this.

Have A GREAT Day

Lori Gaudette
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