
Who is Jon Roussel?

Jon Roussel

Jon Roussel
Member SinceTuesday, June 19, 2007
Last ActivityTuesday, November 27, 2007
LocationBeverly , Massachusetts, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My name is Jon Roussel in Beverly, MA. I grew up in Wilmington, DE. I then went to college at the University of Delaware and then lived in Florida for two years while I studied gerontology. I moved to Boston in 1981 and have been in Massachusetts ever since. I had three “job-careers” before starting my home based business and becoming self-employed. The first was social services, then health insurance accounting and finance and then human resource management. When I got laid off from a very stressful job as a technical recruiter in July, 2001, I knew I had to make some serious, fundamental changes in my life. I was not able to find a replacement job. I soon was approached to and joined a traditional MLM company. I worked very hard for two years to build my business. During that time, I began studying Jim Rohn, Brain Tracy, Zig Ziglar and started reading a book a week. I took several quantum leaps in personal growth and development. When I say I worked very hard, that is true. I called thousands of leads, advertised on job boards and approached dozens of people in my warm market. Since so many business builders at the time were working leads, that is what I tried to do. Most of the people I spoke with did not want to help themselves. They were not all that business minded or coachable. I made dozens and dozens of appointments, only to have most people not show for appointments or not enroll. When that MLM business did not work out, I joined a team of successful entrepreneurs who have teamed up to help each other and others build a residual income working part-time from home. I followed my sponsor to another company with a very different business model. I learned what factors must be in place for a company and business builders to succeed. Still, I continued to work leads as I was copying what my sponsor was doing. I knew I needed to take massive action and attract large numbers of prospects to build my business. I searched and tried several different systems I then found a generic funded sponsoring system that thousands of people were already using to attract and enroll prospects, without calling leads and without losing money on leads and advertising. What do I do? I found a simple duplicable system that allows me to help people all over their world successfully build their business online without risk, without losing money and without getting hurt. I teach, coach and mentor my business partners to attract like minded, serious educated prospects. I also teach them how to teach others and to develop leadership. If you are struggling, tired of calling leads and are looking for a system that works, please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you. I love the time flexibility of working from home. I love working in my own home office in my sweats. I have time to spend special, quality time with my friends. I did not have that when I commuted an hour to work and worked sixty hours a week for someone else. My income from this company is adding to my retirement savings. This gives me financial security for my future. What fun it is to love what you do...and I do love what I do. Helping others work from home and earn additional income is so rewarding. Teaching people this system is a thrill for me. As we set goals together and hold each other accountable, we all grow in our personal and business lives. Everyone who walks the talk wins. Jon Roussel Beverly, MA 1-978-538-4595 Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed? Learn the 12 MLM success factors
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Joelees Wholesale - (7/11/2007 10:08:01 PM) : Hi Jon,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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