
Who is Jennifer Lang?

Jennifer Lang

Jennifer Lang
Member SinceThursday, December 8, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, September 5, 2006
LocationNew York City, New York, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

The Jlynne Company is based out of New York,New York. We work in the fields of entertainment and online business systems. We have found that the key to success comes through having multiple income streams. The blessing of technology now allows for automation, thereby giving the business owner success and freedom at the same time.


We would like to introduce to you recommendations and links to our favorite money making business opportunities and entrepreneural endeavors. These programs allow you to work from home and enjoy more time with family and friends.


You owe it to yourself to check out these First To Market Opportunities Today!


As an entertainer, I am proud to have my own record label and look forward to launching my clothing line March 20006. You are invited to listen to my album and watch my music video at my website:

May God bless all that you do!

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Bill Long - (6/26/2007 8:22:30 AM) : Definitely a "10"


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