
Who is Kristi Smith?

Kristi Smith

Kristi Smith
Member SinceFriday, August 18, 2006
Last ActivityTuesday, June 26, 2007
LocationColumbia, Indiana, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am a wife, and mother, I own and operate a hair salon in my home, I do this so I can revolve around my family.

My boys are wrestlers and football players, and my daughters, one is out of school and goes to college, the youngest one plays soccer and shows horses. We are also very involved in 4-h in our community to those of you who do not know what that is, it is showing animals, we show beef steer, feeder calves and horse and pony, so they keep me very busy. My husband works for a company who does excavating work. We live on a farm.

I started in network marketing just to make extra money but being a beginner I spent more than I made. I am involved with the  and  which is a building block to work toward becoming wealthy enough to retire at a young age..

I then found and joined Yorgoo  and what a blessing I truely believe it will help me in all aspects of life and I so look forward to meeting so many nice people from around the globe and from so many different cultures.

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Roger Ketcham - (1/5/2007 10:25:56 AM) : nice appearence


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