
Who is Jeannie St Cin?

Jeannie St Cin

Jeannie St Cin
Member SinceWednesday, October 27, 2004
Last ActivitySaturday, December 28, 2024
LocationLowell, Arkansas, United States United States
About Me
About Me


I'm Jeannie St. Cin, the new Owner of Meerkat Traffic. I'm inviting you to come and join so we can help drive that need traffic directly to your website!!!

Meerkat Traffic

Make it a great day!!!

Jeannie St. Cin

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Mohamed Hassan - (2/18/2015 2:35:18 PM) : "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" Jim Rohn
Joelees Wholesale - (8/15/2007 3:27:43 PM) : Hi Jeannie,
Thank you for your invite invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Tina Bryant - (6/11/2007 11:37:17 PM) : I like the way your website looks. You have a lot of great information.

Thanks for great the information. If you would like to advertise this with for $5 month let me know and I will send you an invoice through paypal.

Email us your your business name, logo, description of business, and contact information to place on the website.
Dale Rolefson - (6/26/2006 2:46:38 PM) :
Hi, Jeannie, This is Dale, I like your profile.

At {Worldprofit Web-Design} we specialize in new site development. Our creative staff develops web-sites that allow you to get actively involved on your site, without too much technical hoo-ha. We take pride in developing affordable, secure andscalable eCommerce websites for small to mid-sized businesses like yours. And by building a site that allows you to do most of the day-to-day maintenance you'll be in more control of your business than ever before> {Worldprofit Web-Design} We make it, hand you the keys and you run it. It's that simple.
Terri McElwain - (6/22/2006 9:00:16 AM) : I love your profile.It has some very inspiring words for me to go by.I also want to check out the natural face lift.Things don't seem to stay where they should sometimes when ya get older.I am so realizing recently.Have a great day!Terri
Jeannie St Cin - (6/22/2006 9:00:16 AM) : Thank you Terri for you kind words. . .

Like my husband says. . . It's not a sin to get older, it's just inconvenant at time. LOL

Here's my Facelift site. You're welcome to bookmark it for the future.


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