
Who is Terry Birley?

Terry Birley

Terry Birley
BirthdayThursday, March 24, 1949
Member SinceThursday, February 15, 2007
Last ActivitySunday, November 24, 2013
LocationRotherham, England, United Kingdom United Kingdom
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About Me
About Me
Hi2 u all Terry Birley also known as ITSWURTHIT   proud owner of the worlds first interactive buzzbot property   Be sure to check out our latest blog here at    view our home income opportunity at   Over the past 4 years we have toiled tirelessly in our attempt to create a successful & profitablehome income business.Along the way we discovered, we could also help other's also achieve their goalsQuotes like "Empty Wallets are welcomed"& "free top spot" have now been accepted as norm. If we can help anyone to succeed online then we will do so   Our efforts are now targeted more to the largest growing  trend on the internet, social networking   We all must accept change if we are to keep up with the ever changing face of the internet,none so much as the new technology of the new web 2.0 Upgrade,now known as the buzzbot.Tipped by top marketing entrepeneurs to be the next google of social networking   Already just short of 1 million members within its first 12 months, have taken to a unique concept that allows social networking features to be utilised on every site on the planet.   Watch the live tv interview below that has changed the internet with a simple click of a button   Now you can blog on any site that has interest to yourself, you can rate each site you visit, create your own chat room on every site on the world wide web.Features we have grown to accept in social networking sites, SUCH AS FACEBOOK,MYSPACE,ADLANDPRO, are now available on every site on the planet, at the simple click of a button. YOUR WHOLE WORLD HERE!!!   We now have the technology and the product, that has the potential to generate over 10 million members within the first 2 years.We strongly recommend you check it for yourself,take the necessary action,to be a part of history in the making.  We live and die by this simple but truthful quote "Every day we make it we make it the best we can". A very easy statement, but add it to your life and you will see just how important the words then become    Failure to us, was never an option. Success has always been our goal!  "We dont know how we can help you until you ask"     2007 Became our year, our list had grown to over 10,000 members {not bad for a novice marketeer}Our need for more space forced us to purchase our first buzzbot property wrapped around the topic we already had a passion for, jack daniels. Friends of jack daniels can view our dream business here    2008 SAW THE LAUNCH of the most important tool in our locker, the tool you all must possess if you are seriousAbout your online future!!Without doubt our purchase of a top quality Auto-Responder was the key to our success.   Over 200 new members are receiving awesome information on a daily basis,from our help line. View the source of this previously untapped traffic generator. HERE ..... In fact we invite you to place your freead or affiliate link, on this site today. The results may just scare the pants of you. Its a totally risk free opportunity to get your ad seen by 100's of users daily   Whether you opt to join our traffic wave or some other auto-responder series is the choice you must take. A5 figure income is easily achieved with the correct auto-responder series. If you have not got the full benefits of an auto-responder,then you my friend are literally leaving 1000's of pounds on someone else's table.We highly recommend you get yours sooner rather than later   Our Traffic Wave series offers an amazing opportunity of a FREE 30 DAY TEST DRIVE, Giving you all the time you need to substansially build your mailin list,and increase your online earnings Hers the link, take the free 30 day test drive,we guarantee you will be not dissapointed sure to check out the awesome affiliate programme attatched to our Traffic Wave Series   We believe in the word FREE hence the reason most of our campaigns have very little to no outlay ,from freeads,to free websites,,fee ezine publication,free safelist,free downline builders. Remember the quote earlier "Empty wallets are welcomed"  YES  you can upgrade, YES, you can spend loads of cash. But then thats what networking is at the end of the day,its a market place, where you can spend or you can save.Its entirely your choice. Our advice is to only spend what you can really afford. We are living proof success can be obtained with the very minimum of outlay.   BE CAREFUL ONLINE a site well worth a visit   2008 also saw a massive surge in traffic Our own business was at last taking off. Our autoresponder was starting to pay for itself. More and more payments are now flooding  into our paypal account. Finally a livable wage is being created.The importance of owning your own product is now bearing the fruits of our labours.   A NEW DOMAIN Name was now being seen more and more now anyone can now start there own business for a total outlay of    5 dollars yes thats right $5 starts your business   No longer the victim of internet scams and cons,in fact !we now have the tool to ensure we never fall foul of the internets tricksters again.We recommend you all read this amazing book   Sorry you will be required to dig deep into your savings,to read this info. Thats right you will have to pay!!!now for the good news; Can you afford 5 dollars.$$$$$$$5 and thats it!!!    Heres the link again   for more details email us at  or     See our community in a totally new aspect. Real time facts real features real benefits. Save hours of searching for the product to promote.   Or the article to create your affiliate parnership. The work has all been done.   Safe secure links that will lead you what ever success  level you as an indiviual requires.    OPTIN At many stations, create your own ad,or copy and paste,  you will be glad you did.         SECRET METHODS OF HOW TO Sell 1000s of mobile phones and never carry a phone  Create your own website fully populated with all  your mobile phone will ever need for FREE Download your own ringtones, or java games,    
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Alain Deguire - (3/23/2010 8:11:48 PM) : Happy Birthday Terry! Enjoy your Day and have FUN! Blessings, Alain
Amanda Bird - (12/30/2009 11:44:46 AM) : Terry let 2010 be better then all the rest. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend, make a new friend, help a stranger. Walk tall, dream big and smile more. May your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want - an Irish Toast. Here's to the new "adventures" in 2010. Your Friend In Success Amanda
Amanda Bird - (12/16/2009 3:00:45 PM) : Hi Terry. Wishing you a happy, fun and my style is 'adventurous' Holiday Season. Thankyou for connecting with this Aussie on Adlandpro. I look forward to what may lay ahead. Your Friend In Success Amanda "One Can Not Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar"
Richard Mathiason - (12/7/2009 1:26:56 PM) : Terry,Thank you for the video addition to the Uplifting and Interesting Video Forum. It was great! Richard
Levi Manners - (8/31/2009 10:56:56 PM) : Hello Terry, Les can say that again! Very impressive Terry!
Leslie Banks - (7/23/2008 12:07:57 AM) : Any friend of mine deserves the Best. Impressed with all your links on your site Terry. Been around awhile since leaving the Raddison I see. Good to get around. The Best to Your Success.

Best Regards

Joelees Wholesale - (4/9/2008 2:27:07 PM) : Hi Terry,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Marion Tucker - (2/21/2007 10:24:05 PM) : Hi Terry,

Welcome to Adland Pro! Let me know if you need any help.

Thank you for the rating you placed on my profile!

That's some collection you have there.

Many Blessings,
Marion :-)
Terry Birley - (2/21/2007 10:24:05 PM) : hi marion thanks again for your feedback. i req your link again as i could not log in to your site do i need a code? thanks for the comments of my jack daniels collection if you can locate other jd items i will be a customer for life. take care my regards to you and yours. TERRY ITSWURTHIT


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