
Who is Andrea Tenorio?

Andrea Tenorio

Andrea Tenorio
BirthdaySaturday, December 28, 1963
Member SinceSaturday, July 12, 2008
Last ActivitySaturday, November 19, 2016
LocationRochester Hills, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I was born and raised in Germany and have been in the United States since the age of 15. I am a Believer, in all that is good, in truth and in light. When you believe in the good of all things, life, people and circumstances, you draw unto you an endless source of well-being. I live in the Now, enjoying each day and each moment. I am grateful for all that I am and all that I have. You can do, be and have all that you choose to do, be and have. My favorite quote is: Reality is not what your eyes show your mind, but what your mind creates for your eyes to see. (Mike Dooley). Many Blessings, Peace and Prosperity. Love life and life will love you back. Andrea
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Mohamed Gani - (1/22/2022 9:46:05 AM) : Get paid to use web services for free. It’s new, it’s a UK based company and it looks GOOD !! This opportunity video is in pre-launch and completely FREE !! It revolutionizes and monetizes existing web services, that 5 billion people already use. They pay people to use the web. Imagine repeating what you did on the web yesterday and getting paid $400. Now think about all of your friends who are do
Ralph White - (1/25/2016 8:46:27 AM) : "QUOTE OF THE DAY" Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no ti
Mohamed Hassan - (5/16/2015 8:54:19 PM) : It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot
Hardin Monie' - (2/28/2012 3:14:33 AM) : Ahhh, you are a coffee lover....Hey, I am a big coffee lover too and if you drink coffee or know someone that does, you want to review the following link.***As seen on TV*** Don't drink another cup until you watch our video.
Paul Hanusit - (8/1/2011 4:21:31 AM) : Hi Andrea, I just sent friend request to you a while ago. By the way, I had a good news for you and anyone who desires to have home based business by using the products they already had to start with. This webinar tell you all! Have a blessing day!
Victor Lopez - (7/27/2011 3:34:38 AM) : Thanks Andrea for been my friend Anything I can do for you do not hesitate to contact me. Your friend Victor
Mohamed Gani - (7/26/2011 7:49:27 PM) : Greetings and best wishes from Gani.
Organo Gold - (7/18/2011 5:48:03 PM) : drink it - invite your friends - serve them OG coffee - invite them to business - Earn comission......EASY as 123!
Ralph White - (7/6/2011 8:29:24 AM) : Greetings fellow Adlandpro member. Hope you have a great day.
Andrea Tenorio - (7/3/2011 2:54:10 PM) : hi there and nice to meet you to it has been a long time since i have been on adland pro and never knew i had these messages here so although its late thanks for the friendship und mit dem deutsch macht nichts aus wir sind alle nicht immer so gut mit der deutschen sprache, ich auch loltalk soonandrea


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