If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it was and always will be yours.
If it never returns, it was never yours to begin with.
If, however, it just sits in your living room,
messes up your stuff, eats your food,
uses your telephone, takes your money, and never appears to have noticed that you actually set it free in the first place,
You either married it or gave birth to it!

Symptoms of Inner Peace
* A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience
* An unmistakable ability to enjoy the moment
* A loss of interest in judging other people
* A loss of interest in judging self
* A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
* An inability to worry (this is a very serious symptom!)
* Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation
* Frequent acts of smiling
* An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than to make them happen
* An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.