About Me
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About Me
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Hello. Jonathan Hutchinson here. I'd like to take just a couple of minutes to share with you some information about myself.
I was born and have lived most of my life in the Central Vermont area. One thing you need to know about Vermont is, it's not a heavily populated state. Many of you people reading this live in cities that have a larger population than this entire state!
Going online and building my business via the internet was the only way that I could see myself generating the leads I needed for success.
I am the owner and webmaster of www.DrinkACT-Racing.com . My interest in auto-racing borders on obsession. I just love it! The noise, the smell of burnt racing fuel and tires, and the crowds of excited people!
My next step is to become a driver. I have driven in several Enduro races, but I would really like to compete every week and make a run for a track championship.
The only way I could ever do this is to tie my home business in with my racing. Every team member I sign up into my business is also helping my racing team.
If this concept of a racing and network marketing team interests you, please contact me to get all of your questions answered.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Family, Friends, Fitness, General Health, Video Games, Movies and Film, Music, Cars, Cats, Birds, Bowling, Other Sports