Retired and spending time on the Internet. Persuing Internet businesses and have become one of the founders and leaders of a group of Lead Generation experts called the JVNetforce Group. My specialty with this group is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Specialist.
I enjoy both Hockey and Baseball and watch my favourite teams games when time permits. I am very good at listening to people and over the years worked in the public lime light. My last 21 years were spent in the shipping dept. of a pulp and paper mill. I main job was safety and I was the co-chair in the local safety program on the union side for almost 12 years.
Dealing with people in that enviroment where seldom do you win because you either have the union members upset or the managment. I still found it very rewarding and hope that all my efforts as a safety leader saved more than one employee from going home in different shape that when they came to work.
The study of people is an art in itself and every living soul young or old has something to offer to help you stay on earth. We all have the same chemical makeup but god seen to it that each ad every one of us view circumstances just a tad bit different.