
Who is Ivan Manning?

Ivan Manning

Ivan Manning
BirthdayFriday, December 18, 1931
Member SinceThursday, July 20, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, September 20, 2007
LocationCorlette, New South Wales, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me

Hello, Visitor! and welcome.


I am Ivan Manning, and I was born in New Zealand; I have lived both in the South Island and the North Island. At present I am an Australian resident and living on the North Coast of Australia near Darwin in the Northern Territory. I trained both as a schoolteacher and as a science technician, and have filled technical posts in government research establishments and in the food and the pharmaceutical industries, and have been on the technical staff of a university.


Today I am widowed and retired.


I also espouse the cause of helping Mother Earth to "get on her feet again", after all the depredations that humanity have wrought upon her surface and Nature Kingdoms!


I have moved from Newcastle, NSW, to live with my son, and am withdrawing from internet business activities for the meantime at least. However I will still visit Adlands every so often, to see how my friends are doing, and perhaps interact on occasion; but I will have less internet time, I expect. 


My good wishes to everyone!


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