
Who is Heidi Scoats?

Heidi Scoats

Heidi Scoats
BirthdayFriday, October 6, 1961
Member SinceSaturday, June 10, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, October 7, 2013
LocationBristol, Connecticut, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Hi everyone! I finally was well enough to move back to CT!! I could never have done this without Plexus!! Please read my blog, any feedback is appreciated. You can also PM me any questions you may have.


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Danny Kuhlmann - (10/3/2013 4:04:02 PM) : hi, if you need leads to promote your business:
Ralph White - (1/31/2013 5:22:54 PM) : “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
Marlon Carby - (1/29/2013 3:36:02 PM) : Want to become a professional network marketer? These guys give live training online 24/7. The moment you upgrade your acct they actually build your downline and give you all the tools and traffic to promote all other businesses you're already in. See for yourself:
Marlon Carby - (1/29/2013 3:35:22 PM) : I have never found anyone to object that " " is the fastest paying and MOST effective online business. Check it out to see why:
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (1/26/2013 12:50:34 AM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you? Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship... Bob and Shirley Stay In touch, Watch the video,
Alain Deguire - (1/21/2013 9:05:50 PM) : Hello Dear Heidi! This is so great to see You back My Friend; and, I am so glad that you are now feeling better. Thanks for the POTW nomination! BIG HUGS! Alain
Osram Quan - (1/21/2013 2:26:37 PM) : That is a good way to start. Just intro yourself. To be a single mom of 2 children, you have done well with 2 cats and a dog thrown in. So what are you presently involved in?
Nellie . - (1/20/2013 7:30:26 PM) : Hi Heidi, Nice to know you. Nellie
Diane Bjorling - (1/19/2013 11:36:10 PM) : Thanks for accepting my friend invite, great to meet you btw and a great to see you back in AdlandPro :-) As you can see things are changing here, all for the better, which is very cool! Hope to see you around and looking forward to just sharing...take care and have a great weekend!
William Desimone - (7/13/2012 1:40:38 AM) : Hello Heidi, thanks for checking out the natural health portal site at -Hope you find it helpful. Also, if you are interested in the biggest income opportunity I've ever come across, please see . Sign up as a Founding Member before door closes. Xlnt perks coming for all Founders.. Just $23 bucks one time to secure guaranteed payments! WOW


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