
Who is Lyn Dlugach?

Lyn Dlugach

Lyn Dlugach
BirthdayWednesday, September 3, 1975
Member SinceWednesday, January 5, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, January 30, 2007
LocationHot Springs, Arkansas, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

A daycare doesn't raise my children.


I have been blessed with the ability to work from home. Which has allowed me to watch their first steps, to hear their first words, and to be a part of exciting things the moment they happen. I don't have to ask for a vacation, ask for a raise, get turned down for the promotion I deserve. I AM MY OWN BOSS!


I grew up watching my father slave with the conventional self-employment... and usually I was right along side him working hard for not enough pay. I wanted to own my own business like him, but I didn't want my children to be stuck "working" instead of playing with their friends. I also didn't want them to miss out on extra curricular activities because my business wouldn't allow me time to take them.


I am not a slave to my business. I have time freedom. I have financial freedom. I don't have to do the things I hate like recruiting or selling or keeping track of inventory and shipping. I love it.


My kids are my world. With five of them, the future expenses are extreme. Five college educations, five weddings, five cars, five of everything that has to come from my income. Inflation hasn't stopped, but increase in wages sure have. The insomniac nights of worrying over how I was going to afford all their needs have come to a close because I was in the right place at the right time and I skeptically jumped on an opportunity. It was risk free and I wasn't going to have financial success if I didn't invest a profitable business where I control my paycheck.


I, like my father, am a workaholic, but there are days where I can just lay in bed with my children watching TV and watching them learn and interact. From 13 to 3, whatever their interest are become mine. I have accomplished giving them a better life than I had growing up. I have an extended family with the wonderful team of people I work with. I love to teach, and I'm glad that I have found an opportunity where I get to train and don't have to recruit.


My husband works here and there. When he wants to quit, he quits. When I want him to quit, he quits. There's nothing like having the freedom to come and go as you please. There's nothing better than firing your boss!

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