
Who is Cynthia Fouraker?

Cynthia Fouraker

Cynthia Fouraker
BirthdayThursday, December 20, 1956
Member SinceWednesday, January 18, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, November 3, 2006
LocationBonaire, Georgia, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I decided to build a site for the "Work at Home" individual that might be unable to be out in the work force for one reason or another, the mom with kids, or the single mom, the disabled, and not enough money to stretch for all the bills. I decided I was going to try to find "Reputable" companies to offer them a way out.  I want to make sure these people do not fall into a trap where they innocently hand over money that could have bought groceries for the week. I am one of those that have been in that position, I am determined to use the brains God gave me to take control of my own future, and help others that need it, to do the same. I am Web designer.  My site is .I do invite and welcome all visitors to go to my site,you will find that it is not your average business site. I think you will find it enjoyable, with articles, humor, and games added, just so you won't get bored while you are there. Something for everybody. Feel free to leave a comment on the guest page, I would love to know your opinions or share ideas and suggestions. Contact me with a request to add your business if you like my site and would like to exchange links, we can all help each other to up our business by linking. Hope to see you there and feel free to send an email, I will answer back. I have a Business site that I invite you to look at  - feel free to sign up, its free, you can meet many new contacts to further your Business.
My Interests
My Interests (4)
Interests: Friends, Internet
Industries: E-Business, Homemaking
Comments (2)
Friends (57)
Photos (0)
Groups (0)
Events (0)
Forums (22)
Ads (0)


Cynthia Fouraker - (3/21/2006 8:05:39 PM) : Dear R.C.

Thank you very much for the rating. I do appreciate it. I have not checked out what the ratings are all about yet, but I take it as a compliment. Again, thank you.



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