
Who is George Marshall?

George Marshall

George Marshall
BirthdayMonday, October 31, 1949
Member SinceSunday, October 8, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, December 17, 2007
LocationHouston, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My professional background was in Engineering, working as a Safety Consultant for workplace safety, then moving into the Environmental Arena, where I was a advocate for better Enironmental laws, even lobbying, canvassing, and directing campaigns.  That led into a particular campaign where I built a website to educate the masses on a toxic chemical being widely used in the US.
I have been a long time veteran on the internet (25+) years.....way back when we were using a 300 baud modem...I started on the WWW in '95 and built numerous websites for non-profit groups and was administrator for a number of years.  It has only been in the last year that I have elected to make a full time career in Internet Marketing.
 A few weeks back I stumbled across a radical new Funded Sponsoring System that is set to revolutionize the home-based business industry to help build your online dowline faster. No More Cold Calling, No Buying Leads......You Become the Hunted Not the Hunter.  This system is so simple the average newby can start and create a positve cash flow from the GitGo. It provides an endless supply of leads for your primary business and works with any MLM online business.
I hope to help as many folks as possible be able to retire comfortably.
So here I am and I hope to meet many new successful like-minded business people and friends so we can share ideas, experiences that will help make us all more successful in helping others to a better lifestyle with a long term income.
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Dee Winder - (11/7/2006 10:36:27 PM) : You seem to be an interesting person with alot of knowledge on many things in the world. Would be honoured to be your friend

Tim Southernwood - (10/27/2006 2:27:12 PM) : Hey George,
I see in your "about me" we do have many things in common, though very different histories..
I'm pleased to have you as my friend, and I know you are a great addition to the Adlandpro family!



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