
Who is Mike Allen?

Mike Allen

Mike Allen
BirthdayFriday, March 9, 1951
Member SinceFriday, July 13, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, July 8, 2009
About Me
About Me
A semi retired grandfather of 2 (1 of each) I have been involved in network marketing since 2001 and am now enjoying the fruits of all that hard work I put in. Only recently got involved with internet marketing and I am having a ball learning how all this stuff works. So just to help things along I joined a couple of affiliate programs just to add to our overall retirement fund. The most satisfying part is the opportunity to help others become successful, and there is no greater pleasure than being part of and knowing you have helped shape their future happiness.
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Cheryl Maples - (3/9/2011 7:02:32 AM) : Happy Birthday, Mike! Enjoy your day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (3/9/2010 6:27:58 AM) : Happy Birthday, Mike! Have a great day! Cheryl


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