
Who is Gavin Fagan?

Gavin Fagan

Gavin Fagan
BirthdaySunday, September 21, 1958
Member SinceMonday, April 30, 2007
Last ActivitySunday, April 10, 2011
LocationChristchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand New Zealand
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About Me
About Me
Gavin here from Christchurch, New Zealand (The Garden City of NZ) Aged 51,married to my Soul Mate Lynda with three children. In my younger years, aged 9, my class room went on a trip to Arthur's Pass National Park which is about 1/2 way between Christchurch on the East Coast and Greymouth on the West, of the South Island. By and by, so I am told, a friend and I climbed a cliff face but we were discovered (meanibg we shouldn't of done this ... I must of been such a good Lad ... LOL) Anyway, I don't know how my friend got down but I took the quick way (actually I must of slipped) and as they say, It's not the fall that hurts but the sudden stop! At least I landed where it would do the least damage ... on my head! I am also told that I was unconscious for 3 weeks and in hospital for 3 months! At the time I was at Ilam Primary School but when I was ready to go back I was sent to Riccarton Primary as they had a Speech Theropist - I needed to learn to speak, read and write ... again! I healed well, except for the rather large dent on the left side of my skull and plastic surgery here and there! After schooling I spent time at The NZ Railways, many years in Sales and in 1998 I gained my Qualifications as a Pastor which I had been studying for in my own time. Now semi-retired, even though still .... young, I am earning a living off the Internet! I say semi-retired for once a Pastor always a Pastor - Always looking for folk I may help! P.S. I have no memory of the accident, the 9 lost years before, or the healing!
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Bob And Shirley Rushing - (11/29/2009 8:17:49 AM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you?Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...Stay In touch,Shirleyinvitation
Michael... Clayton - (9/26/2009 9:22:22 AM) : Hi Gavin nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread find Aussie forum and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. Regards Michael

With Regards

M. Abraham
Branka Babic - (8/29/2009 9:06:42 AM) : Welcome to ALP dear friend!

I am glad to meet you. If you need any assistence, feel free to send me personal message (visit my profile and under my pics you`d find the link to do it).
This surely is best social community web-wide.

Best wishes dear friend!


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