
Who is Shopping Kharma?

Shopping Kharma

Shopping Kharma
Member SinceFriday, March 9, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, April 27, 2009
LocationSan Jose, California, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I have been a very hard worker for most of my life, since I was only 7 years old and that was just doing chores to help out my family on our farm. At age 11, I first worked on a horse farm; at 13, I worked on a dairy farm milking cows at 3:30am in the morning till 7:30am just in time to get ready for school; then at age 14, I started working in a zoo making only $25 a day for 8 hrs work each day. Back then, that was a lot of money even though it just under that 3.35 per hour minimum wage. Once I could legally get a job, I worked in a factory when I turned 16, I also worked many retail jobs, and now I work at a Biotech company as an admin.

What do all of these jobs have in common? I am giving someone else my time and effort in order for them to make money off me and my hard work. I still get paid, but it just doesn't enable me to live all my dreams and I have lots of dreams! I just don't make that much money working very hard for someone else. It seems that hard honest labor in the corporate world is barely worth pennies on the dollar now a days and that's really sad.

Well now due to serious health problems (terminal - I sound like a computer) I now work part-time and go through chemotherapy; well now I'm on break from chemo due to intestinal failure. I still work very hard, but to be honest, it scares me that I could work myself to my grave and I am way to young to do that.

I have advanced Ovarian Cancer and I am fighting it with all my might. Please don't feel bad for me, I just want you to be very happy and appreciative for what you do have. Don't sweat the small things, don't sweat being late for an appointment, enjoy the moment.

I don't have much right now, but I do have a lot to be thankful for. A loving husband, family, friends, pets, talents and much more.

I don't want to die poor, I want to at least die successful and I hope that I doesn't sound too morbid, but if there is any lesson to be learned from my experience, I would just hope anyone and everyone reading this, stops and takes a look around them and fully appreciates what they do have. Please don't get me wrong, I do have plenty of things to be thankful for, my loving husband, my Sheltie Puppy and my two anti-cats and of course lots of friends and families. People like you. In life, it's not how much money you make or have; it's how big is your heart? Do you have conscious to do the right thing? I often wonder that about many companies.

For instance, I've been stung by several companies and hopefully I can make my investments back, if not, I am building 3 other websites all on my own. I just want to do the right thing now and I refuse to burn anyone ever though this has happened to me countless numbers of times. Two wrongs will never make a right and I plan to donate most of my earnings for a cure for cancer, mostly for children since they are our future. I also want to appreciate my customers, love my customers and to provide them with excellent quality products; good things for the environment and good things that they will enjoy. Peace & Love to all!


Be Inspired by my fight to beat Advanced Ovarian Cancer!

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Joelees Wholesale - (8/25/2007 10:52:49 AM) : Hi ,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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