
Who is Rita Anderson?

Rita Anderson

Rita Anderson
Member SinceSunday, June 10, 2007
Last ActivitySunday, January 11, 2009
LocationPort Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

Being off work due to a disability,I made the decision to venture on-line in April/07. I saw it as an opportunity to explore different options. One of them has always been to work from home.

Interestingly enough I also found myself getting back into some very deep personal growth workshops which for the last 12 years I had put on hold, since my time was occupied with family, and work. My life had been full of grief and having lived through the loss of one of my children in 1995, I was doing every thing I could to live my life the way I thought I was supposed to and nothing was going smoothly.

Every thing seemed to be a struggle, and the harder I tried, the more I began to see the pattern. Life began to feel like a vicious cycle. The circumstances were different, yet the same feelings and patterns were re-occurring.

Nothing was making sense, and things looked like they were falling apart.

As I continued doing my own personal work, I began to see a shift.

To say my life has taken a major shift during this last year,is saying it mildly. Things that I had never believed could occur are taking place in my life and the biggest changes are learning to take Responsibility for myself.

I used to think it wasn't me that needed to change. I used to blame everyone around me for what was happening to me. I used to .........

Today, I see things differently. I see my personal evolution continuing to grow daily. I have created a space for me to grow. An opportunity to continue learning at a time when I felt there was nothing left for me other than just going through the daily chores of life. I now see my purpose, and can visualize the opportunities that lay ahead for me. I have found the tools and resources to allow me to discard the beliefs that no longer serve me.
Today, I am responsible for my life. Today, I am willing to be the change I want to see around me.

I believe strongly in making connections with people. We are all here for the same reason. Everyone we come in contact with is brought to us for a reason. We all have the power and knowledge within us to make the right choices.

Trusting the process is now part of my daily life.

When I forget that, there is always something to remind me.

There are no right or wrong mistakes. They are an opportunity for us to remember our truth, and change what we choose to change about ourselves. When we begin to see things as lessons and opportunities for us to do things differently, then we allow ourselves the freedom to make choices, and act upon these choices in a different way.

Yes I am making a difference in my life, and this difference is making a difference in everyone around me, and This opportunity is everyone's opportunity.

"Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful committed people
can change the world: indeed it's
the only thing that ever has!"
~Margaret Meade~

Great DVD's:
What the Bleep.... Down the Rabbit Hole
The Secret
The Matrix
Conversations with God

I am also building my very own personal growth Website called
"FEAR Stands In My Way". This website was started because of my own journey of Paternal Grief, and it is a gift from my son Tristen. The FEAR stands for Feeling Emotions And Remembering.
My website is Powered by Site Build It, and it removes the obstacles of figuring out the technical things, allowing me to work on my unique site, and share my journey with others who may be searching for answers. This site is a work in progress since it was not exactly what I had imagined my "on line business" to look like when I first began my online business last April.

Today, I see that this is Exactly what my soul purpose is leading me to.

As I continue to trust the process which simple means trusting myself", I know this is part of my journey which will lead me to my purpose, which is to help others help themselves. I do this with my FEARS and The rest is up to me.
Rita Anderson

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