
Who is Linda Michaela?

Linda Michaela

Linda Michaela
Member SinceTuesday, November 7, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, February 4, 2008
LocationJonesboro, Arkansas, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I love Jesus, my cats, network marketing, and people in general, music, & reading & writing &

5 Months ago if someone told me I would be a success at network marketing, I would have laughed. But a friend directed me to a site that was unbelievable and that taught me how to market and earn money within 1 month!

Today, I coach others and it is even more thrilling to watch one of my students succeed than it was when I achieved my own success. I am in love with network marketing, but my passion is truly in coaching. Thankfully, my earnings in network marketing will always allow me the freedom to do what I love. Now don't get me wrong... I don't make six figures ---yet, but I know that I will. And I am profitable. Not many can say that in this business.

I believe that what it really takes to succeed in this or any business - is to find what you love about it, what makes your enthusiasm rise and gets you excited. I am a stickler to stay honest and I remember to be thankful to my God for all the blessings He has poured on me. But helping someone else find their way that really wants to succeed and just doesn't know how...THAT does it for me. If I, and anyone, keeps those priorties, all the rest is like learning ABC's. The success is in the motivation and inspiration. If you believe that, too, I'd love to hear from you - either to help you start making money now or just to share your experiences!

If you would like to contact me or refer someone for Personal Coaching, just email me, Linda Michaela at


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