
Who is Frank Del Valle?

Frank Del Valle

Frank Del Valle
BirthdayTuesday, April 28, 1942
Member SinceTuesday, April 25, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, August 29, 2008
LocationWinston Salem, North Carolina, United States United States
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About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
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Interests: Self-Development
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Denise Mar - (10/1/2008 12:09:28 AM) : I was thinking of you the other day and decided to send you a quick email about something I’m doing that’s really exciting. You might be interested, and I know you’ll enjoy this site.

Would you email me back after you see it and tell me what you think?

Here’s the link:

Hope all’s well with you!

Denise Ma
Terri McElwain - (6/6/2006 2:00:50 AM) : Hello.Terri here.I checked out your site and took the tour.I want to try to sell these products.I think I can do well.I can't send the $2.95 until I can send it.Will they let me do it that way?I don't have any bank accounts.On the account that I don't have any money to put in,Had to throw a joke in there.I want to start this soon so if I can send it can you tell me where to send to.I will write you an email on your other normal email.Ok?See ya soon.Terri
Manish Mehra - (5/8/2006 1:40:12 AM) : thanks for invitation
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Frank Del Valle - (5/8/2006 1:40:12 AM) : Thank you for the kind words, and thank you for being my friend.



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