
Who is Fbiggirl Dickson?

Fbiggirl Dickson

Fbiggirl Dickson
BirthdayMonday, April 20, 1987
Member SinceThursday, June 23, 2011
Last ActivityFriday, June 24, 2011
LocationAdelaide, South Australia, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me
Mein Name ist Favour, eine schöne junge Dame sucht der 24 Jahre alt, i Ihr Profil ruhigen interessant gefunden und ich möchte dein Freund sein, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte in meine private E-Mail-Adresse so, dass ich mein Bild senden Sie von dort aus werden Sie wissen, wem ich bin bitte ich die nur darauf warten, von Ihnen zu hören jetzt in meinem Briefkasten

My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Michael... Clayton - (6/24/2011 10:06:06 AM) : BEWARE ALL... click on forums on this profile. This SCAM artist send the same email to everyone, in some case he sends it to nice woman here too.
Michael... Clayton - (6/24/2011 2:37:20 AM) : How this African BOY IDIOT works. He goes to Yahoo and creates hundreds or email addresses. The he uses them to join communities and send people the same SCAM email to get people on auto-responer emails. SO JUST REPORT ANYONE WHO WANTS YOU TO REPLY TO A PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS. See ABOUT ME ...
Michael... Clayton - (6/24/2011 2:30:21 AM) : This person is a SCAM ARTIST an African boy who joins Adlandpro multiple times and tries to SACAM people


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