
Who is Faye Madden?

Faye Madden

Faye Madden
Member SinceThursday, July 7, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, June 8, 2006
LocationMansfield, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
First and foremost: I have earned my right to resell the level 1 travel package by qualifiying for my level 1 directorship certificate from Coastal Vacations Starting from scratch, once I decided I did not want to market the opportunity of Coastal Vacations (I wasn't comfortable talking to strangers about something I knew so little about - at the time). Once the decision was made I didn't know what 'html' was or meant or how to put together a website, nor did I know anything about internet marketing. So I am proud to say that (after hard work with time and no money I came this far). As for the marketing aspect Your reading this now, I must be doing something right.(-: Right??? Not to long ago I had to slow my business efforts to go back to work and drive cab during the day for 6 months to pay bills, it slowed my progress online so much I had to quit not to mention I hated it anyway. Last year at this time I worked as a case manager at a residential program which I left to pursue my dreams for success (I liked doing that, I felt it was rewarding to help others, but it barely paid the bills and the hours - 4pm to 12am, part-time, didn't work for me). Sounds tough doesn't it? Well it is - but not impossible. This is America. The land of opportunity. Which brings me to my "IN GOD WE TRUST" that I decided should be displayed on my site. This great Country grew up with "IN GOD WE TRUST" on the dollar bill. There is where my faith lays. In God foremost and in our country people as a whole (individually may be another story). 8 months ago (September) I watched my only precious grandchild enter the world (she is such a joy and loves to laugh). I finally got to babysit the other night. I was so exicted it was AWESOME! Now that you know something about me, I certainly would like to get to know you better, support my group NUTONET @
My Interests
My Interests (2)
Interests: Camping
Industries: Travel
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