
Who is Theresa Demaio?

Theresa Demaio

Theresa Demaio
Member SinceSunday, February 1, 2009
Last ActivityThursday, October 1, 2009
LocationLas Vegas, Nevada, United States United States
About Me
About Me

If someone had told me that one day, I would be telling people how good sanitary napkins could be I would have had them committed for life. I am the type of person that when the topic came up, all you would see was the back of me leaving the conversation. I have used them for over 40 years and only bought them once. When I need them, I would send someone else. The words would not even come out of my mouth. I would refer to them as "things", or my niece’s favorite, "Pillows”. I think it is funny at this point in my life I do not need them any longer, here I am telling everyone who will listen.

 I can personally attest to the fact that after putting the panty liners in my shoes, I no longer experience lower back and hip pain, the tingling in my hands has stopped and my overall attitude is better. Overall, I feel great.

Take a good look at the attached pages and articles. Listen to the testimonials and let me know if you have any questions or concerns that I may clear up for you.

Am I trying to sell you something, no? I am making you aware that this product is out there and will benefit you in so many ways.

Would I like you to buy this product, yes? Because I feel if there is something out there that can lessen or in most cases completely take away cramps, bloating, UTI, bacterial infections, and countless other things without pills then I cannot think of why you should be in pain and discomfort.

This product by no means should take the place of a trained physician if problems persist. With regular use, this product will lesson and in most cases stop those frequent doctor visits for embarrassing female issues.

Well it was once told to me by a late good friend that, "Age gives you the confidence and right to say whatever you want to whomever you want"' Well here I go!

This is not only a great product but you can earn an income from it too.

To get a better understanding on what the product is about watch the videos below.


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