
Who is Charletha Pope?

Charletha Pope

Charletha Pope
BirthdaySunday, September 4, 1966
Member SinceSaturday, May 8, 2010
Last ActivityThursday, October 14, 2010
LocationFort Luaderdale, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
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Cheryl Maples - (9/4/2010 6:34:17 AM) : Happy Birthday, Charletha! Have a great day! Cheryl
James Mckenzie - (9/3/2010 12:43:33 AM) : Hello Charletha, Just stopping by to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hoping this is the best ever on your special day. James
James Mckenzie - (5/21/2010 2:23:24 AM) : Hi Charletha, Welcome to the family of friends here at AdlandPro where your friendship is welcome. James
Ralph White - (5/18/2010 8:04:44 AM) : Hello fellow member. Hope you have a great day!!
Richard Gabriel - (5/13/2010 5:36:47 AM) : Thank you for accepting my invitation to be friends. I wish you all the Best! - Rich
Cheryl Maples - (5/9/2010 2:27:12 PM) : Hello Charletha, Welcome to our community of friends. It's nice to meet another Floridian here. May this be your best year yet. Follow your dreams! Cheryl
Colin Macpherson - (5/9/2010 5:10:21 AM) : Charletha, hello and welcome to this brilliant site. I hope you enjoy your experience here and you find what you are looking for! Remember success is only a short distance away! Best wishes Colin


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