
Who is Pavel Ene-casota?

Pavel Ene-casota

Pavel Ene-casota
Member SinceMonday, April 25, 2011
Last ActivityWednesday, January 28, 2015
LocationBucuresti, București, Romania Romania
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Pavel Ene-casota - (11/12/2012 8:27:26 AM) : O pereche de evrei sta in cabinetul terapeutului. Terapeutul: Ce pot face pentru dvs? Barbatul: Sunteti asa de bun sa ne priviti in timp ce facem sex? Terapeutul se uita mirat la ei, dar aproba. Cand perechea a fost gata, terapeutul face remarca: Imi pare rau, dar nu am vazut nimic deosebit la dvs., si cere onorariul de 80 € pentru sedinta... In urmatoarele saptamani se repeta povestea, de doua or
Ralph White - (11/11/2012 9:39:06 AM) : Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
Ralph White - (4/27/2011 9:04:41 AM) : Greetings fellow Adlandpro member. Hope you have a great day.


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