
Who is Ed Nouwen?

Ed Nouwen

Ed Nouwen
BirthdayFriday, April 7, 1972
Member SinceSunday, December 12, 2004
Last ActivityWednesday, February 15, 2012
LocationEnkhuizen, Noord-Holland, Netherlands Netherlands
About Me
About Me

Hi everybody,


Welcome to my account !! I can talk to you about anything but i think you don't have the time for that. So i will keep it short enough for you to read it without getting bored and long enough so that you have all the information you need.


I am a young guy from the Netherlands who found out that are some things in life very important and one of those things is following your dream and use your God given talents to fill in that dream. It doesn't matter if that dream and talent is sailing a ship, building houses or raising kids. For me it is being creative and use that creativity in acting, singing, entertaining but also making audio visual productions.


Besides my job as a professional actor i love God, my kids, sports, nature, travelling, playing videogames. I am very interested in history and especially 2nd world war and the role of the man and woman of the resistance in that time. A few of my hero's are pple from the resistance because they stood for that what they believed in and some of them payed the highest price for their believes.


So this is me in a nutshell, don't hesitate me to contact me... i am not bound to my home country alone so i want to invite pple from all over the world to connect with me and become my networkpartner and perhaps we can mean something to each other. I always intent to coorporate out of a open and honest relationship based on friendship.


My statement in life is one of the thing Jesus said:


"What you would have others do for you, do ye also for them."


For now,


Blessings and good business,


Ed ;-))

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Bob Holmes - (9/8/2007 12:17:31 PM) : Hi
How can I advertise I am a one man volleyball team and do community exhibitions, schools, fair, camps, etc Check out my video and let me know what you thought of my site?
Raewyn West - (8/24/2006 8:33:36 PM) : I have given ed 10 as he loves to sing, so he must be a happy man. I hope we can be friends
Joel Lent - (2/21/2006 7:59:50 PM) : he's a fag
Kathy Hamilton - (7/1/2005 3:30:35 PM) : hello,great site,I tried to sign up but says error on your page,let me know,kathy martin
Lydia Fokina - (1/13/2005 2:43:21 AM) : Active and friendly!
