
Who is Len Lachapelle?

Len Lachapelle

Len Lachapelle
BirthdayMonday, May 4, 1942
Member SinceWednesday, May 19, 2010
Last ActivityMonday, August 16, 2010
LocationDaytona Beach, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am the proud father of 2 beautiful children who are married and given me the joy of 7 grandchildren. I live on the beach in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida. I used to race stock cars and Jeff Gordon is my favorite driver, The Gators are my favorite college football team and I root for the Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots and Bruins. Can you tell that I hail from Massachusetts originally.
I've been an online marketer since 2004 and love sharing and helping people succeed in whatever business application they are involved in. I always look at the glass as being half full and don't have time for the negative.
I believe there are two types of people in the world, those that say "I can" and those that say "I can't" and they are both right.
I try to live my life in this manner: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...courage to change the things I can.....and wisdom to know the difference.
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
Comments (6)
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Cheryl Maples - (6/19/2010 2:45:37 AM) : Hi Len, thank you for being my friend. Cheryl
James Mckenzie - (6/5/2010 1:08:19 AM) : Hi Len, Welcome aboard from South Carolina and your friendship is received here with the family of friends. James
Ann Pacey - (6/3/2010 7:28:25 PM) : Len.. thank you for becoming a friend. That is what networking is all about. Ann
Katrina Oakley - (6/3/2010 3:01:02 PM) : Glad to meet you, Len! I look forward to working with you!
James Mckenzie - (5/26/2010 10:14:29 PM) : Hi Len, It's nice to meet you here at AdlandPro and good to have you as my friend, the place where many connections are made. James
Cheryl Maples - (5/19/2010 6:33:41 PM) : Hello Len, Welcome to our community of friends. It's nice to meet another Floridian here. May this be your best year yet. Follow your dreams! Cheryl


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