
Who is Joel C Eden?

Joel C Eden

Joel C Eden
BirthdayThursday, May 27, 1937
Member SinceFriday, June 16, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, December 7, 2009
LocationFort Worth, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Greetings, My name is Joel Eden. I spent my early years doing many things from a truck driver to running dry cleaning & laundry equipment. I finally got into the A/C and Appliance business & spent about 30 years in that field. I have spent the last 15 years working online doing network marketing and home business consulting. I am single, divorced for 12 years, & greatly enjoying my personal and business adventures online. I find great satisfaction in helping others increase their income. I have found that even & extra $200 dollars coming in each month can make a big difference in most peoples lives. Of course there is no need to stop at only $200. In fact I am recommending a new home business right now which allows it's distributors to earn as high as $25,000 dollars weekly and they pay weekly. For more details if you are interested visit the following link & take the no obligation Free Tour. Read everything you see there then decide if this is for you. There is also a live 30 minute conference call every Mon-Thur at 9:00 pm eastern time which explains the program very clearly. That phone number is: (641) 594-7030 Contact me if you are interested & want me to help you get started with your own exciting home business. You will be surprised at how easy and inexpensive it really is to get started. Sincerely, Joel C Eden (817)420-9108  
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