
Who is Donna Duggins?

Donna Duggins

Donna Duggins
BirthdayFriday, November 22, 1957
Member SinceMonday, February 20, 2006
Last ActivityTuesday, September 9, 2008
LocationGlendale, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
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Harry Woolen - (12/23/2006 9:30:52 AM) : Hi Donna,
I live in central Illinois and in the winter time it can be brutal. You can send me a couple
days of sunny and 80 Temp.

If I understand the question above I would say
if everyone pays nothing then where would any money come from to be won?

Now it isn't impossible but if you go here

and signup for free and never pay a dime you WILL make money. BUT i know where the money will come from. It's advertising. You being in the real estate know all about that.

If i'm not understanding something here please let me know.

Harry Woolen


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