
Who is John Charles?

John Charles

John Charles
Member SinceWednesday, February 21, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, March 21, 2007
LocationBrampton, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

My name is John Charles. I've been involve with Network Marketing since in the early years of Amway. I've learned a lot about business, interacting with people, Of course that was not a problem for me, because I love people. I enjoy being around people and helping, sharing, bring out that smile that lots of people seem to be deficient of at times. I enjoy the independency that Networking brings out in people. 


I love travelling, seeing different places and cultures. I enjoy Cruising. as a matter of fact My wife and I together with 4 other couples just came back from a 7 day cruise with "Freedom of the Seas" The World's largest Cruise ship. It's awesome. I highly recommend it.


I attend Church on a regular basics, tithe regularly and I am blessed and highly favored. Thank God for ALL his blessings.


Business is good. Enjoy what you do and never, never give up. Have several streams of income, if you can handle it, but never give up. There are many benefits in owning your own business. Network Marketing is the most ethical type of business. Some unethical people have caused some bad mark on the Industry but where ever you go there are good and bad. We cannot escape for it. But remember, it is alway a small percentage that gets the publicity. I am in for the long hull.   




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