
Who is Terrisita Johnson?

Terrisita Johnson

Terrisita Johnson
BirthdayThursday, July 20, 1972
Member SinceWednesday, October 12, 2011
Last ActivityTuesday, October 25, 2011
LocationWorthington, Minnesota, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Im a 39 year mom and a successful beauty consultant i love spending time with friends and family,reading,walks on the beach,traveling when i have the time,music,fashion,texting on my droid ,video games,watching my favorite shows which is house wives new jersey really all the mtv and vh1 shows.I like to be around people or meet people whos professional minded and that knows what they want in life and of course who has theirselves together and im on here to help women to be successful and help with their goals in life and to stop struggling you dont have to no more When i first discovered mary kay my attitude stinked about it until one day i got tired of working this low job i could'nt stand within my first 3 months my car was fully paid off and i continued to progress my finiacial situations well im living pretty comfortable i must say and have just about the most finest things in life that i love So ladies youre welcome to go to my website at my emails are you will also find me at or call or text me at 507-412-1334 507-412-1905 women only
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