
Who is Linda Joslin?

Linda Joslin

Linda Joslin
Member SinceWednesday, March 12, 2008
Last ActivityTuesday, July 13, 2010
LocationWoodbridge, Virginia, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Linda has worked as an Intuitive Therapist for over 22 years and has been a catalyst for many others who are now 'out there' dancing to their own drum beat.She currently gives Life Readings and Life Coaching from her practice in Framlingham, Suffolk and at local Festivals. She is available for telephone Life Readings on her free International phone line - you just pay for the reading check out prices at . Her new channelled work "One & All" is available as an E Book from this site - see home page. Her first channelled work "Advent Calendar for the Salvation of the Planet Earth" was published by Gateway books in 1994 and gave pre-warning of the extreme weather and planetary changes.

This new book is much more focused on our position here on planet earth and our responsibilities to become that change that we are waiting for and at the moment is only available on line. The time is NOW and this manuscript is being made available NOW.

Linda's work with others uses inspirational wisdom based skills to help inspire, heal, transform and guide other women and men.

These skills at present include Linda for Life Readings using Goddess Oracle Cards, Life Coaching, Healing, Intuitive Counselling, Rebirthing and Channelling information as a Consultant for others.

Holistic Health and Inspiration Practice

Wu Wei Practice
The Tudor Room, Norfolk House Yard
Diss, Norfolk IP22 4LB

Tel: 01986 798595 or 07769631092


WU WEI - "GOING WITH THE FLOW" effortless, a sense of connection to others and the environment. Developing & trusting intuition. Wu-Wei promotes harmony & balance.

And NOW "One and All" THE BOOK OF SECRETS kept under wraps for over 12 years because it was thought to be too futuristic by publisher of my first channelled manuscript..........available NOW ......the time is NOW

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