Hello; My name is Dee Davis-Pruitt
I am married to my best friend, and am enjoying life, living in sunny Arizona. Between us we have merged two full families with 3 Adult children and two adult foster children. With this we have brought together a life full of self discovery and adventure.
Finally after several years of dissatisfaction in the corporate world I am staying at home and loving it. My time and energy are spent on what I love to do now.
For years I have said if I had the time and money, I would be a professional student. Recently I have become just that. I became a network marketer, with no idea what I was doing. However I am learning, a little bit more everyday. Most of all, I am enjoying the journey. I knew there was a place in network marketing for me. I searched until I found what sounded fantastic to me; however I still struggled with the internet marketing process. Now, each day I learn more. I am anxious to meet other individuals just like me who have faced the same dragons and won.
What is your definition of success? My idea of success is to help as many other people become as successful as they can be. This is my idea of personal fulfillment, knowing I have made a difference in someone else’s life.
Enjoy the Journey with me;
Cell: 928-279-5282
MSN Instant message: d_davis72@hotmail.com
E-Mail: timeforusubnet@yahoo.com