
Who is Michael Gawronski?

Michael Gawronski

Michael Gawronski
BirthdayThursday, August 19, 1954
Member SinceSunday, December 18, 2011
Last ActivityFriday, January 6, 2012
LocationRiverview, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Name is Michael, 57 residing in Florida. Originally from So. California born
and raised. Diesel Mechanic for 20 years. Got involved with internet business's.
Presently involved with mobile home re-habs, developing properties for re-sale.
Now just recently. got back into online marketing, hoping to do well.
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Shina Pretty - (1/3/2012 1:43:04 AM) : Hi i am Pretty How are you? i hope all is well with you, i know you may not know me, and i don't know who you are, My Name is Miss Pretty Shina, i am just browsing now i come across your profile it seams like some thing touches me in my spirit that you are the type of person i am looking for, please l want you to send an email to my email address so l can give you my pic
Cheryl Maples - (12/19/2011 4:01:24 AM) : Hello Michael, It's a pleasure to welcome you to our friendly community. You are not far from "home" for me though I am in western WA right now. My home is on the other side of the bay. This is a nice place. Much success to you, Cheryl


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