
Who is Cathy Hall?

Cathy Hall

Cathy Hall
Member SinceWednesday, August 24, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, February 20, 2009
About Me
About Me
I am interested in sharing ideas and supporting others to be successful and in exploring the laws of attraction for wealth and happiness. Please feel free to share your wisdom and learning with me.
In the off-line world, I am business manager for a non-profit organisation called Preventing Violence in the Home.
I am a member of The Fortune 5 Minutes Team. Our Team consists of seasoned marketers, average marketers and newbies.
Our mission is to create income for our members. We train and mentor our members.
The F5M Team is 100% active in Fortune 5 Minutes .
We would like to invite you to visit us in our own private Live Conference Center. There will be no pressure to join us, just come on in and meet an International team from all over the world.
Please follow the link below to see just what The Team is all about.
Fortune 5 Minutes - Pay once and it PAYS you on and on No matter what it is that you are promoting, the way that you present yourself is the closing feature.
Our personal goal in life is to help others succeed in business and we will do what it takes to help them. Even though you may not be in business with us, that doesn’t matter. What matters, is that you succeed in what ever venture you have embarked on and if we can help you along that path, then that is what we will do, so please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Cathy Hall
Fortune 5 Minutes - Making Miracles Happen!
Skype: cat1455
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Terenc Holleran - (10/28/2007 7:19:48 AM) : Hi Cathy have you cycled yet?
Cathy Hall - (10/28/2007 7:19:48 AM) : Hi Terence
yes I cycled early November, woohoo!

Kind regards
Joelees Wholesale - (8/8/2007 11:45:54 AM) : Hi Cathy,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Antonio Aliser - (7/2/2007 10:42:56 PM) : THANKS FOR THE AMAZING INFORMATION, KATHY.
Marilyn L Martin - (5/28/2007 1:21:37 PM) : Hello Cathy,

I am sorry I have not rated you before this, but better late than never I always say! I am giving you a rating of "10" because I feel you deserve that much and more. Cathy is a very active member of our Community, always willing to help others, and an inspiration to many. She is a very beautiful person and has a smile to match. Cathy is always friendly as it shows in the amount of friends that she has made here at AdlandPro. I am sorry that I have not gotten to know her better but I hope that will change in the very near future. I commend her for all that she does online and off. Keep up the great job you are doing Cathy...I am proud to be her friend.

God Bless You Always,

Marilyn Martin
Abdelkarim Adarrab - (4/23/2007 7:57:01 AM) : Karim, souhaite connaissance, chérche Amitié.
Stephen Hall - (2/2/2007 6:28:47 PM) : YOU're a nice-looking girl, Cathy, but you have a nicer sounding last name: Hall This has nothing to do with the fact that my last name is Hall as well! Keep in touch,
Steve Hall
Cathy Hall - (2/2/2007 6:28:47 PM) : Thanks Steve
Kumud Rimal - (12/20/2006 8:49:16 PM) : Dear Cathy Hall,
I am surprise to find that youare from Newzealand which I was looking for long term friendship and of course please find Well find my mail as gesture of my frienship as well as relationship that we are going to established in near future.I hope your respond will not discourages me to find that I am person from Nepal who is willing to assits and help older people who do not have any one to look after them at this age.In a way it is take care of them 24/7 days.It is possible to find such families of such people which I requested my nephew who is studying in U.S but she is too occupied to find such person or families.Thus I wanted to request through you to dvelop our relationship this way.Please send your comments on my email address of or at my number if possible.I will forward my photgraph in my next mail.Thank you,
Kumud Rimal
Jose Arantes De Campos - (12/12/2006 12:58:35 PM) : Inspiration

A long day starts with a simple step. (Chinese Saying)

The business is easy, simple and income-producing. The video makes Work all. She is only necessary to invite people to attend the video.


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