
Who is Kathleen Herrick?

Kathleen Herrick

Kathleen Herrick
BirthdayThursday, March 11, 1965
Member SinceMonday, May 29, 2006
Last ActivityTuesday, June 27, 2006
LocationNorfolk, Virginia, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I have opened my own small gift boutique featuring unique items (I also have an online store). It has been a little over a year & I get very good input from everyone that comes in, but it is hard coming up with enough money to get the name out there as I have 2 teenage sons, one who is autistic & has serious medical problems. They use most of my money!    I know with enough funding for advertising as well as just the regular overhead costs that my business would be very successful. Once someone comes in they keep coming back because it is fun to look & see what is new each time. I have almost 100% repeat business on those who come into the store because of this &  so I know we would do terrific if I could get the name out more. Advertising is very expensive & I am trying to find ways to advertise for free or very low cost & to possibly find private investors so that I can have more working capital to do all of this. Since I have not been in business very long most places don't want to give me loans so I figure private investments are probably the way to go, but I am not sure how to do that & hire someone to help me at the store so I can work on the website & other admin type stuff more. I would welcome any advice, but really do not need to get involved in any other type of business opportunity as I have my hands full running the store & taking care of my boys!
My Interests
My Interests (3)
Interests: Networking, Computers
Industries: Marketing
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roger Ketcham - (12/16/2008 10:48:46 AM) : neat pic,have anice day.


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