
Who is Butch Hamilton?

Butch Hamilton

Butch Hamilton
BirthdayTuesday, January 20, 1953
Member SinceSunday, January 8, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, May 12, 2019
LocationAmarillo, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Wildcat SEO Service

Dedicated to the art and science of search engine optimization, website development, content writing, and other forms of original media suited specifically to the world wide web for the advertising and promotion of websites on the world wide web.

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Butch Hamilton - (11/13/2017 6:24:55 PM) : Thanks Diane
Diane Bjorling - (11/13/2017 5:24:17 PM) : Hi Butch, the community wall is a place to say hi to the other members, to ask questions if need be, to share a joke etc. It is not Mandatory that you "talk" on the community wall, but it sure is nice to say hi to others. You are allowed links on this site via your profile about me... you can create a web page with links, your forum signature, forums etc.
Butch Hamilton - (11/12/2017 6:16:05 PM) : Thanks Jan!
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (11/12/2017 6:07:13 PM) : *´¯`*•.¸ .. ♥♥♥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• Welcome Back! •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ♥♥♥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*
Butch Hamilton - (11/10/2017 3:44:12 AM) : One more question, if you please, Diane? I am wondering if links are allowed at all here? I am not seeing a lot of them. Thanks in advance for your response.
Butch Hamilton - (11/10/2017 3:41:55 AM) : Today has been an amazing day. I am in the process of moving from bad servers over to good servers. Its going to be a positive improvement in all that I am doing online.
Butch Hamilton - (11/10/2017 3:39:49 AM) : Perfect Diane...thanks for the insights...I understand now
Diane Bjorling - (11/9/2017 5:16:25 PM) : Good morning Butch...the purpose of the community wall is kind of a meet and greet area of the site. In a way it is like a FB timeline but for the whole community where people can say hi and share general kinds of social topics. I have found that when people post interesting things with images of course lol ( great for extending your reach via Pinterest) hope that helps
Butch Hamilton - (11/9/2017 10:27:36 AM) : Thanks for your comment about Internet success Jim. I am one of the fortunate ones who have enjoyed much Internet success over the years. Internet success is driven entirely by the devotion, time and energy spent in the creation of content. No matter what you are doing, there is no substitute for good original content writing for Internet success.
Butch Hamilton - (11/9/2017 10:25:20 AM) : I am picking up this account from years ago. I found it last night while working on some research material.


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