
Who is Bobbie Peregoy?

Bobbie Peregoy

Bobbie Peregoy
Member SinceFriday, December 2, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, August 10, 2006
LocationMiddleburg Heights, Ohio, United States United States
About Me
About Me


In partnership with Bot.B Ltd and RPP Inc.


I will release the website at the end of March if all goes well


      Surf Police... I will only advertise the best and worst sites nothing in the middle. If its paying *GREAT* If it's not *GREAT* knowing before you invest is the key.. If it's ripped me off more than once ..well then my fault.. It will update three times a day and be very fair.


      While you wait you can go to my web page tab here and there are some that are paying right now and a few that are not.. Have fun hope to see ya soon.


My Interests
My Interests (1)
Interests: E-Business
Comments (2)
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Bobbie Peregoy - (2/6/2006 2:44:50 AM) : My first comment is I like your picture. My next comment is "you seem really smart" to figure that out and lastly what is your definition of pornography...? Is that sexually expliciate to you...hmmmm thats sick see your right again that is disgusting if you get turned on by that and find a fully clothed female pornographic. I'll bet your one of these people that have nothing better in life to do but comment on things for which you no nothing about. Ever been to a beach...? Now there is some mass pornography for ya, to complain about they have even less clothes on there. My observation is that you "for what ever reason" don't own a pair of shorts or a tank top or maybe even shoes for all I know but if you consider that pornography then that is developed in your own mind sad sad sad ...!


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