
Who is Steve Lummis?

Steve Lummis

Steve Lummis
Member SinceSaturday, December 22, 2007
Last ActivitySunday, November 27, 2011
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

A little bit about me. I,m living with my partner ( I say wife as that sounds better lol ) we have been together for 16 years this October and I love her to bits. we both have two wonderful children from our previous marriges. Unfortunately I had to give up my job as a builder do to having Multiple Sclerosis. I now turn to the internet to make money. I have lots of interests these day. I like fishing, meeting people, music,BMW cars, make stuff out of wood at my day centre, touring car racing, films,antiques rock music,guitars and eating out. MS hasnt stopped we from doing everything and I think in some ways it has helped like I would not have had time when I was working to learn about computers for a start. Anyway all for now.

PS If you interested in having free money given to you please take a look at the website

My Interests
My Interests (1)
Interests: Investing
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Steve Lummis - (9/4/2010 2:31:27 PM) : Dear Nerissa thank you for that lovely comment. I try to be as positive as I can although sometimes the MS really bites and it can get you down but thanks to a loving wife children and friends they snap me out of it. I try to maintain that how ever bad you feel theres always some poor soul a lot worse than you. Take care and god bless you Steve & Jillian
Nerissa Mcleod - (9/4/2010 1:56:35 PM) : Thankyou for the invite and it's wonderful reading your profile and to see what a positive outlook you have about life. god bless to you and your partner


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