
Who is Michael Higham?

Michael Higham

Michael Higham
BirthdayTuesday, February 7, 1961
Member SinceThursday, December 17, 2009
Last ActivityThursday, December 22, 2011
LocationOldham, England, United Kingdom United Kingdom
About Me
About Me

My name is Michael, I have a 26 year old son (Jamie) a 7 year old Grand Daughter (Pagie) and an ex-wife who is my bestfriend/soulmate and has haunted me for 30years. It's ok, She isn't dead, Trisha doesn't need to be dead to haunt someone... ;) .. I live in England, 'Oldham' to be more precice, and I live with my rottwieler dog (Bella). I have been involved in internet marketing for some years now,

And this is how I make Money ... FIND OUT HOW!

Anyway I look forward to hearing from you .... Michael.

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Alain Deguire - (2/6/2012 8:56:30 PM) : Hello Michael! This is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Jay Archie - (8/24/2011 4:29:05 PM) : Sorry Michael, I don't know why I called you Ralph
Jay Archie - (8/24/2011 4:27:54 PM) : Hello Ralph and thanks for the warm greeting. I trust you are having a blessed day
Ralph White - (7/6/2011 7:46:31 AM) : Greetings fellow Adlandpro member. Hope you have a great day.
Cheryl Maples - (2/7/2011 4:37:39 AM) : Happy Birthday, Michael! Enjoy your day! Cheryl
Edith Just Me - (8/14/2010 8:02:41 PM) : Hello Michael. meet a new friend. nice :). check and tell me your opinion.
Nerissa Mcleod - (7/18/2010 10:35:02 PM) : hi, i joined swom about the same time as you, your profile gave me a good laugh thanks, i'm busy atthe moment have good success promoting ExtremeCashRobot prelaunch bye for now
Gavino Berardesco - (7/14/2010 8:03:14 AM) : Hello Michael thanks for the invitation to be your friend. and hope to be networking with you soon. In the mean time please enjoy this Free Money NOW Report (free + $20 upsell + cross -sells EVERYTHING even your own Rebranded Produts if you so choose) A good Read for any Affiliate Marketer.
Tamara Hakulova - (6/20/2010 11:48:48 AM) : Hi Michael, Thank you for your considerate attitude towards my modest person. I think we are here to make friends and coop with ease and fun. As for me I like it here. Thanks for the book! Talk soon. Tamara
Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick - (6/14/2010 3:38:20 AM) : thanks, Dr. Mike Fitz :)


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