
Who is Tim Schierer?

Tim Schierer

Tim Schierer
Member SinceSunday, January 28, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, October 19, 2009
LocationLancaster, South Carolina, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
I was born, raised and live Buffalo New York.
Married for the past 28 years, father of  2 we were blessed with a daughter and a son.
This past year we took in a young man who is a friend of our son who's parents both took their own lives with in 3 months of each other, drugs destroyed their lives. We hope to be able to guide their son in the right direction so that he does not fellow in his parents foot steps.
I enjoy; going deer hunting with by brother, wood working, cruise nights to check out all the old cars and what people have done to them, there's nothing like a good joke or funny story.
I have worked for the pasted 31 years for a local school system in maintenance the last 21 of those years as head custodian in the high school. I've been with the school for life time,
I did all of my schooling at the same school and at the time could not stand school. It's
funny how things work out the place that I could not stand as a student I have now work for
31 plus years.
For about 15 years I had my own home improvement business that I ran part time in the evenings and weeks. It helped to offset my earning from the school but cost me a lot of time away from my family time I'll never get back. In Sept. 2001 I got laid up and off work
for 23 months with neck and shoulder problems. I ended up getting fused at c5-c6 and c6-c7 it was at that time I had to give up the home improvement business. After returning  to work I was still trying to figure out a way to earn more money and still be able to spend more time at home.
I decided to give the Internet a try and became involved with a company called Master Marketing several changes were made, now they are GranGold Marketing. I was set up
with a web sites the address will take you to the GrandGold site that offers Online Shopping, Health & Fitness, Travel, Lose Weight, iTones and much.
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Joelees Wholesale - (7/9/2007 11:18:14 PM) : Hi Tim,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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