
Who is Kevin Horner?

Kevin Horner

Kevin Horner
BirthdayThursday, January 6, 1955
Member SinceMonday, December 7, 2009
Last ActivityThursday, February 18, 2010
LocationShreveport, Louisiana, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am a life long dedicated activist out to put all the unconstitutional tentacles back in the box where they belong and return the control of the government back to we the people. I came here to get my website in front of as many sets of eyes as possible because if we don't wake up, this country will have been given away to the elite despite my best efforts. Please visit my site, it is designed to ruffle your feathers and get you involved to help me spread the word. Let's give our children a better place than what we have to pass to them now. Thank you for your time.
My Interests
My Interests (27)
Comments (3)
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Forums (9)
Ads (3)


Alain Deguire - (1/6/2012 12:35:34 AM) : Hello Kevin! This is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (12/10/2009 3:17:23 PM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you?Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...Stay In touch,Shirley
Bill Brown - (12/10/2009 5:25:41 AM) : Spamming peoples forums will get you nowhere jerk


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