
Who is John Hancock?

John Hancock

John Hancock
BirthdaySaturday, February 7, 1953
Member SinceTuesday, August 18, 2009
Last ActivitySunday, October 31, 2010
LocationPort Douglas, Queensland, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me
Hi a story where come from and where iam john yanos is my name and i bourne Hungary the year 1953 in a small country town farming type off community the Danube River less than 5miles away we use to skate on it back then any way done a few years off schooling before all packed up for Australia in 1964 here ever scince i hitched rides around Aus oz just to cee the country worked in all places txttile farms car industry makers in three diffrent states mechanical forestry Dozer Driver i saw the Distruction in the forest industry STOP Chopping TREES Down cleaning labour industry fruit picker loved that work any way somewhere along path in life got married and got two lifebourn's one is a Boy and its a Girl very grown up now days doing there own thing in life and now i back in the cleaning game. and trying to start a home work from home i know next to nothing about internet work yet how it realy works or is it realy possible to earn a income from home on the inter net
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Fbiggirl Abd - (6/18/2011 8:50:05 PM) : Hi nice to meet you, My name is Esther, A beautiful young looking lady of 24 years old, i found your profile quiet interesting at and i would like to be your friend, please contact me in my private email address so that i will send my picture to you from there you will know whom i am please am just waiting to hear from you now in my mail box Thank
Roger Bjornerud - (7/24/2010 12:00:22 PM) : Thank you for accepting my invitation to be friends John :)
Michael... Clayton - (1/13/2010 2:46:02 PM) : Hi John nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main Aussie thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
Isaac Kwan - (12/19/2009 7:56:32 AM) : John, Nice to hear from you.
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (11/29/2009 12:11:16 AM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you?Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...Stay In touch,Shirley
