
Who is Andrew Klaus?

Andrew Klaus

Andrew Klaus
BirthdaySaturday, October 25, 1975
Member SinceTuesday, October 12, 2010
Last ActivityFriday, December 24, 2010
LocationLos Angeles, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
Comments (6)
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Forums (2)
Ads (1)


James Mckenzie - (10/14/2010 1:59:51 AM) : Hello Andrew, Welcome aboard to this great community of friends where all like minded people meet and share information. James
Peter Carminati - (10/13/2010 8:26:36 PM) : AdlandPro Acceptance or TY Letter: Thank you for accepting my invitation to be my friend. I am honored! I've been involved with Network Marketing for over 16 years and have been working part-time from home for the last 9 years. I live in Stonington, Maine, the Lobster Capital of Downeast Maine. It is fun now to be able to focus on my home-based business especially since I found a
Diane And Phillip Runyan - (10/13/2010 3:48:04 PM) : Hi Andrew, Welcome to AdlandPro. It is the perfect place to meet like minded people who are wanting to start a business or keep one going. Whatever your goals, we wish you the best in all that you do. Diane and Phillip Runyan
Cheryl Maples - (10/13/2010 3:30:39 PM) : Hi Andrew, when you post your ads on our profiles, without even saying hello, it is like plastering our front doors with your ads and most of us do not appreciate that. It's my front door and I have a business, too. Send me an email if you want me to know what you are doing. Thanks, Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (10/13/2010 5:06:39 AM) : Hello Andrew, Welcome to our community of friends. I’m glad you joined us. May this year be your best year yet. Follow your dreams, Cheryl
Wendell Breedlove - (10/13/2010 2:36:26 AM) : Hi Andrew, Welcome to the Adland Pro community. It’s great to see you here and thanks for joining us. Have a Wonderful Day, Wendell


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