
Who is Karl Reimer?

Karl Reimer

Karl Reimer
BirthdayFriday, January 1, 1960
Member SinceMonday, October 16, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, December 26, 2010
LocationHugo, Minnesota, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hi, I am a single guy living in Minnesota on my little piece of land just outside of a metro area. One day in the not to distant future I am going to retire from corporate america and enjoy my businesses while spending a lot more time volunteering. I do alot with 4-H kids teaching them how to train their dogs in obedience and agility. We all have a blast. I am a part time professional photographer and enjoy shooting dog events the most. I guess you'll find out when you visit the photo gallery. I have several business that are both short term, "affiliate", and long term residual income builders. Come check us out at You are welcome to visit my home page at My joy in life is my dogs and working with the kids. Take care all..... success to all. Karl
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Joelees Wholesale - (8/19/2007 11:30:29 AM) : Hi Karl,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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